Sunday, February 7, 2010


So, I was in a cooking sort of mood today (meaning that I ate way too much, but went for a run so hopefully that will all balance out) and decided to cook dinner for me and le petit frere.

I decided on pizza (quick & yummy with a thighload of comforting carbs) using a really thick base. Kind of like the pizza rolls that you can get at bakers delight -- or any bakery really.

So the side with the spinach was for me, the side without for my little brother. These photos don't quite portray the awesomeness that was the piles of tomatoes, cheese (tasty, mozzarella & parmesan!), chicken, olives, leafy bits and the deliciously thick dough, but you can kinda get the point.

I'm not a fantastic cook by any means of the world (once I actually set the spatula on fire and the whole house had to be evacuated from the fumes), but when I'm in the right sort of mood I absolutely love to just give it a go. I usually work with leftovers, but that's alright.

Anyway, hopefully I will be a little more calorie conscious tomorrow and spare myself the carbs -- as much as it pains me!

I'm desperate to get back down to the size 8 (AU) I was before I went away.

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