Sunday, February 7, 2010


I made myself a really yummy lunch today. I mixed together some leftovers from the fridge (lots of veggies & some spinach based indian curry) with mashed potatoes (I don't mash them too much and I leave the skin on for a chunkier texture) and onions to make some veggie patties. I cooked them in a fry pan with a little bit of oil until the outside was a bit crunchy but the inside was nice and soft and potatoey -- just the way I like them! 

Unfortunately we were out of whole-grain bread, so I couldn't really have the healthy sandwich/burger that I'd been envisioning, but the end result was pretty darn good. 

Isn't it beautiful? Ok, maybe it's not the most gorgeous piece of sandwich art you've ever seen, but it was pretty damn yummy. Adding a little bit of spinach curry to the potato patty base was a fantastic idea, even if I did end up with green burgers. They're just emphasising the veggie in veggie burger.

So this was my yummy, (almost) healthy treat for the day. The scary numbers on my scales and clothes since I've come back from France has really started to kick me into gear with the whole health thing.

Hopefully it will last more than a couple of days this time.

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